Not all projects are destined to go a long way. Many of them fail right at the start, some encounter problems while already working… As you can understand from the title, below we’ll delve into why startups fail, what you need to consider avoiding it and making it to the finish line (and ideally to … Why startups fail
Weekends are weekends, but in some industries it is unacceptable for businesses to stop their work. This issue is especially acute when the number of non-working days is very large, for example, by adding extra days off to Saturday and Sunday, as it happens on Christmas holidays. Let’s take a closer look at what work … How to optimize workflow on holidays
In the reality of today’s world, the workload of all employees is growing significantly in different spheres of activity and in different positions, from rank-and-file to managerial positions. The reasons for the accumulation of stress are, as always, banal: Internal factors arising in the working atmosphere and contributing to professional burnout may also include: How … How to reduce employee burnout through organizational strategies
A valuable final product (VFP) is a concrete result of an employee’s or an entire department’s performance. It is always measurable and achievable, but not always tangible. But it is exactly what the company is willing to pay a salary for. Thus, productivity is the efficiency with which an employee can achieve their VFP. That … 7 killers of your productivity and how to overcome them
The abbreviation SMART is now ubiquitous and most often alludes to some kind of ‘intelligence’ or ‘smartness’ of this or that phenomenon. Like smartphones or SMART-TV, etc. But in management this abbreviation has a slightly different meaning, and there is no marketing here. The abbreviation S.M.A.R.T. has no single correct decoding, so we will consider … How to work S.M.A.R.T.?
The modern pace of work and life may seem unrealistically difficult for generations born half a century or more ago. But this does not mean that in order to achieve success in the past, you had to work less. No. It is enough to remember L. Carroll’s famous phrase about running in place, spoken by … 7 time management tips that will help right away
Let’s recognize the difference between just subordinates and a team. The professional and personal skills of employees do not always match the expectations of the manager and project goals. A team is a group of specialists who work as harmoniously as possible and adhere to a common goal. Such an effect is very difficult to … Tasks of a team leader
Somewhere in here, you could supposedly insert an advert for an infocourse no one needs, promising deliverance from all universal ills. Many web-resources, as well as popular nowadays coaches on self-development and personal growth promise miraculous deliverance from all problems, if you follow the link and… The most logical solution to the problem In fact, … How to organize yourself — project planner
Most of the tools of modern managers can be divided into two large categories. These are successful methodologies, usually already tested in other organizations, and software products that facilitate (automate) many processes related to personnel management and other managerial actions. Let’s take a closer look at theory and practice. Theory Before the topic disclosure, it … Strategic planning tools
The systematic transition to an electronic data intercharge greatly facilitates the work of enterprises. Too much useless information is stored in paper form. Paper data is difficult to read. It is difficult and time-consuming to find the information you need, even in a cataloged archive. Files and folders take up a lot of space, they … 7 tips for achieving less paperwork in the office