How to organize yourself — project planner

Somewhere in here, you could supposedly insert an advert for an infocourse no one needs, promising deliverance from all universal ills.

Many web-resources, as well as popular nowadays coaches on self-development and personal growth promise miraculous deliverance from all problems, if you follow the link and…

The most logical solution to the problem

In fact, no meditation, search for places of power, chakra cleansing and other similar manipulations will help you to organize yourself.

Self-discipline is the only way to improve your organization. If you don’t have discipline, no training courses will save you.

Time management

The whole secret of self-organization is a successful approach to time management. That is, the ability to plan your time properly.

Sometimes it happens that a person is not able to collect his thoughts without external help.

Just in the role of external helpers in planning can be some objects of the material universe:

  • To-Do lists,
  • diaries in which you can write down your thoughts and wishes, 
  • reminders on phones or alarm clocks, 
  • and much more besides.

The most advanced functions in planning and implementation of tasks are provided by special programs — schedulers or task managers.


We are developing just such a product, but only for company-wide use. All employees are connected to the system, all projects, tasks, and events are entered into a single database, even communications are transferred here so that nothing is forgotten or missed.

Each employee can organize themselves and their work. And managers can control the work on common projects and transfer tasks to their subordinates’ personal tasks.

There are convenient tools for presenting information, a system of notifications and reminders, calendars and other support functions, including native applications for mobile phones.

What else Projecto has to offer:

  • Creation of to-do lists.
  • Settings of deadlines and the frequency, if the tasks are repetitive.
  • Complex tasks can be broken down and delegated to subordinates.
  • All the most important information is always in focus: daily to-do’s, errands, meetings, notifications, personal correspondence, documents, and so on.
  • Control (personal, by the direct supervisor, acceptance of tasks by the commission).

See Projecto in action.

Incentives and incentivizing

Business does not tolerate mistakes. The incentive here is always the same — making a profit. But what about personal tasks?

As a famous saying goes: if you have a desire, you will find a thousand opportunities, and if you don’t have a desire, you will find a thousand reasons.

The driving forces behind our actions can be different. Here it is appropriate to recall Maslow’s pyramid. If a person is in such conditions that they want nothing else, there can be no talk of self-motivation on the way to important matters.

Physiology, stress levels and fatigue will always take over. Accordingly, in order to ‘want something more’, one must have the right conditions.

What can act as an incentive in self-motivation:

  • Financial benefit (just remember that you get a bonus, and the desire to go to work immediately increases).
  • Career development (you don’t have to translate everything into financial terms, but often when you get promoted, your salary increases).
  • Skill building (professional skills, which in turn increase your value as a specialist).
  • Opportunity to free up personal time.
  • Opportunity to acquire some valuable things or bright emotions (a trip to the mountains, a holiday at the sea, etc.).
  • Good attitude of relatives (simple praise can sometimes be more than enough).
  • And so on.

The basic idea is to formulate a goal. That is, what you are willing to do this or that action for.

If there is no incentive, then the logical question arises: why do something from which you get no benefit?


If you’re always busy, your task list is growing like crazy, you don’t know what to do, and it all just makes you feel down, then it’s time to think about priorities.

Earlier, we looked at how to prioritize your work. Dealing with personal matters is virtually no different. You also can sort your tasks according to the Eisenhower matrix or any other methodology you like.

If tasks are not urgent or important, forget about them.

You’ll be surprised how much easier it will be to breathe if you stop thinking about endless personal tasks. Think only about the most prioritized and significant ones.

That’s all the secrets of how to organize yourself and your business.

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