Improving personal and collective efficiency includes such an important process as organizing the working day. The topic of planning and time-management involves many factors of a company’s activities: from delivering documents on time to arriving on time for negotiations, on which the firm’s annual profits depend.

It so happens that many medium and large businesses work predominantly with Microsoft products. The full office suite is installed on almost all employee workstations, where it is needed and not needed. The manager’s calendar is maintained using Outlook, which is part of the same office suite. On the one hand, it is a universal … How the Calendar Helps the Boss to Manage His Time 13 Main Features

Even in a small company, the HR department is not only concerned with recruitment, but also with its documentation. Although the responsibilities of a human resources worker are not as significant as those of accountants or managers, they are usually the first official employee after the CEO when a new legal entity is established. And … What’s Employee’s Personal Card In Business CRM