Peculiarities of working time organization

Improving personal and collective efficiency includes such an important process as organizing the working day. The topic of planning and time-management involves many factors of a company’s activities: from delivering documents to arriving for negotiations on time, on which the firm’s annual profits depend.

The organization of working time includes:

  • processes of planning the work activities of staff;
  • improvement of personal and collective efficiency;
  • principles of achieving goals and completing tasks;
  • qualitative work-life balance.

For the competent organization of working time and rest time of the staff, let us consider what is the work schedule and how to properly plan their activities.

Work Schedule

This is an official work schedule, which is prescribed in the employment contract or job description. Guided by this document, the employee can plan how to organize his work and rest. There are several types of work mode:


The usual established schedule with a five-day workweek with an eight-hour working day and mandatory lunch breaks. Suitable for ordinary employees with clearly defined responsibilities that fall within specific time frames.


This schedule is suitable for employees whose duties involve frequent travel, business trips, working beyond the usual hours, such as weekends, and performing non-standard duties.


This is a part-time schedule. It is convenient to use such a schedule, provided that the employee combines activities with other work or studies. However, this does not mean that the employer can put absolutely any timeframes and call the employee when it is necessary. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides that with a flexible schedule, a certain number of hours worked and at what time interval the employee can be called to work are also attributed.


In this case, in the contract it is necessary to prescribe the schedule of shifts of employees and let them familiarize themselves with it in advance. If it is necessary to work night shifts, payments are made at double the rate.

Methods of Tracking Employees’ Working Time

Each organization chooses an appropriate method of review that suits its own work format. Thus, there are several basic ways to check staff efficiency:


Work is accounted for each day by hours worked, from which the salary is made up. This is the easiest way to calculate the efficiency of an employee. By looking at activities by the hour, it is possible to see at what point the work is done best, when problems arise. This is how the employer identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the employee.


Accounting is carried out at the end of working days, if the legally prescribed norm for a 40-hour working week has not been exceeded. Otherwise, data on overtime worked is added, after which the salary is calculated.


The reporting schedule is selected individually, but it should not exceed more than 3 months. This format is characterized by a fixed rate salary with additional payments for overtime work. It is necessary to organize summarized timekeeping in order to note all the necessary KPI.

Managing Working Time in The Organization

In order for management to know exactly what stage the work is at and how much work each employee is doing, it is necessary to introduce timekeeping. There are several methods, besides the standard paper timesheet, how to do this effectively: tables and documents, control by cards on arrival at the workplace, tracker programs and CRM-systems.

Let’s consider each of them in detail:

  1. Google Docs and Sheets

The easiest method. You can create one template and use it throughout your work. It is convenient to keep track of what stage the project is at. However, this method becomes inconvenient when it comes to accounting for the time spent on tasks. The human factor plays a big role here, which can lead to a lot of errors.

  1. Entry time control

This method can be called outdated and inefficient. Many companies work remotely, or keep track of efficiency not by the fact of an employee’s presence, but by his performance. This also includes access cards for offices. They allow you to track the presence of employees at the workplace by the minute. However, this method is not efficient enough, extremely costly and can harm the company’s work, in case of failure. It is also impossible to track the quality of work, only the fact of presence.

  1. Software time trackers

This form of task record keeping provides a complete picture of employee performance. This is called «photo of the working day» or «fixing working time» — with its help, the employer can track by the hour the activity of employees. However, here, too, it’s worth paying attention to the human factor. An employee may forget to turn on the program or vice versa — leave it on all night, which will create an incorrect perception of his efficiency.

  1. BPM-systems

Such systems make it possible to control the entire work process and the fulfillment of individual tasks without harming the budget. The work is done directly in the system. Your manager can always log in and see the time of work, at what stage the project is and in what volume each employee is working. This method also provides for quality control of the completed work — the manager can view the files and documents uploaded to the task. An example of such a system is Projecto, the functionality of which allows you to combine several methods of time reporting.

Who Organizes Working Time in the Organization

Regardless of the format of time tracking, the director of the organization is responsible for it himself — he appoints a person who will be directly involved in compiling the results of the data received.

What is the responsibility of the person in charge of recording working time in the organization:

  • records or verifies the correctness of data on the time of arrival at the workplace;
  • confirms the availability of documents on valid reasons for the employee’s absence from the workplace;
  • checks employee reports on completed tasks and their completion time;
  • prepares a final report on employee absences and labor efficiency.

Organizing Time Tracking With Projecto

With Calendar Grid View, you can mark important events and tasks by day, week and month. Different colors highlight events for certain types of user calendars: personal, corporate, and business.

In the mode of viewing tasks for a month, some events have only the name, others — the start time. Already completed events are marked with the status «Passed» and by clicking on the eye icon the user can hide them.

The events of the week can be scheduled by hours and tasks can be clearly planned for several days ahead.

Employees can also synchronize calendars and organize shared work time on a project, schedule meetings and set deadlines.

The All Day section displays:

  • documents and tasks that have a due date on that day;
  • emails that need to be answered or reminded;
  • information about reports that need to be submitted on this day.
  • In the displayed events you can track the time spent on their fulfillment. In this way, management can figure out when problems occurred and how to prevent them in the future.

Using all these features of the Projecto system, employees and managers can clearly see their tasks, goals and deadlines, plan their work and leisure time, synchronize activities and measure efficiency.