What is Workflow Automation, and Why is it Important?

In this article we will look in detail at what automation of work processes (work, production, information, and other) within an enterprise is, why it is needed and how to implement it.

Let’s start with definitions.

What is Business Process Automation

Automation of business processes of a company is a transfer of a part of routine processes and functions in some parts of the enterprise to the system of automatic labor and/or information systems. It is impossible to completely automate all business processes, but it is possible to optimize and accelerate them significantly.

A simple example: a turner can turn out about 500 parts per shift, while a special automatic production line can produce up to 5 million of the same parts in the same period of time. There is a significant increase in the efficiency of the production shop, staff reduction, reduction of the load on the existing specialists, etc.

However, the cost of purchasing, setting up and maintenance of equipment for such a line may cost, for example, 500 million rubles. This is 500 times more expensive than manual labor. In this case, if the volume of sales for a long time remains at the same level (due to lack of proper demand for the company’s products), it turns out that the investment will take a very long time to pay off. Therefore, the effectiveness of investing in such a system will be low.

So, we have raised several issues at once: the goals and methods of automation, the means used and the commercial justification of implementation. Now let’s look at each point in more detail.

Why You need a Business Process Automation System

Any complex actions within a particular organization are referred to as business processes.

Automation of management or production processes have the same goal — it is cost optimization (increase in profit — as a consequence).

At the same time, with the help of automation of internal processes of a company, it is possible to increase not only profit.

  • With the help of labor and production automation systems, you can scale your business easier, faster and more efficiently.
  • With the help of implementation of complex information systems, it is possible to reduce the load on the existing staff or reduce the number of staff, to increase the efficiency of the management system.
  • Implementing automated control systems can help reduce or eliminate production defect rate.
  • Owners and managers can get more efficient means of general monitoring, reporting, etc. Business processes become simpler (unnecessary steps and stages of control are eliminated).
  • Ultimately, the quality of service and customer satisfaction increase.

There are only advantages from all sides. Disadvantages are expressed only in the complexity of implementation of work programs and automation of technological processes. Usually it is:

  • Large one-time expenses for the purchase of new equipment, software, re-equipment of workplaces;
  • Time and money for staff training — for correct work with this equipment and software;
  • New control methods (managers will also need to be retrained);
  • Other implementation activities (delivery, installation, start-up, adjustment, maintenance, and so on).

Thus, by simplifying and speeding up some business processes, you create new ones in parallel. There is no way without it.

What Is the Difference Between Business Process Optimization and Automation of Organizational Management Processes?

These two concepts should not be confused. When it comes to optimizing any business processes, it does not mean that they will necessarily have to be automated. On the contrary, most likely no one will even remember about automation. Usually the result of such measures is reduced staff and mass layoffs.

Optimization is resorted to when the staff of managers and ordinary employees grows a lot, and top managers and/or owners of the company can not understand who does what, to what extent and what job responsibilities overlap.

For optimization, third-party specialists or profile companies are typically engaged to examine the current business processes and propose measures to change them with justification.

Organization of business process automation is the direct implementation of certain management tools. For example, CRM or ERP-systems, document management systems, time management — everything that can facilitate the work of managers.

Which Enterprise Processes Can be Automated

Firstly, you should bet on the automation of information processes of the organization, as they act as a kind of «core» for the entire business as a whole.

No less important is the organization of automation of the process control system on the production lines. What should be automated in the first place:

  • Production itself (although the presence of conveyor lines and automation is no longer a surprise to anyone).
  • Product and process quality control procedures. The higher the degree of automation, the more defects you will be able to eliminate, it means increasing of product quality. It also will be easier to identify weaknesses within production: who, where, when and why made a mistake. And the data can be transferred to special APC-systems. They will help promptly correct the activity of the enterprise, acting as a kind of «autopilot» for the business.
  • Training systems for line personnel. These can be training internet portals, special software for testing, etc. At the output, you will always have an up-to-date picture of knowledge and skills of your ordinary employees.
  • Video surveillance, security, and firefighting systems. Here, the purpose of the implemented technologies is to increase the safety of your products.

Note that this is not a complete list of what should be automated in enterprises. In fact, the logical solution is to convert any routine operations (monotonous and repetitive actions) into machine labor.

Business Process Management System

The main information systems we mentioned above can be considered as:

  • CRM systems. These are customer relationship management systems. You can automate the collection and processing of applications, quickly and easily control the stages of transactions, check the quality of work of individual managers/specialists/employees.
  • Project management systems. Projecto is just one of such tools. Here you can plan the structure and activities of the company and individual employees. It is easy to assign and control tasks, report to owners or superiors, and more.
  • Electronic document management systems. Effective only for medium and large companies. They are used to coordinate and update a large list of documents within the company.
  • ERP-systems. These are complex software products that allow you to manage production and other enterprise resources electronically. But again, ERP will not be useful everywhere, they are designed primarily for production lines.
  • Internal PBXs. Now, instead of physical PBXs, cloud (virtual) PBXs are increasingly used. Their purpose is the same — to provide operational communication between employees of the enterprise.
  • ACS-systems. Designed to automate the control and accounting of working hours, employee appearances and provide access to selected areas or rooms within the enterprise. Suitable only in companies with a large staff.
  • Accounting and financial management. In most cases, this is specialized accounting software, but it is easily replaced by cloud services.

In larger and more complex enterprises, it is possible to implement BPM and RPA-systems.

How Projecto Can Help With Optimization and Automation of Business Processes in an Organization’s Management System

Projecto is a comprehensive project management software. The software can run in a ready-made cloud (SaaS model) or on your own server.

The main features of the product include the following:

  • Designing the future structure of the enterprise.
  • Planning of projects and tasks, including subtasks, and the ability to delegate.
  • Reporting and collegial acceptance of work results.
  • System of work and personal calendars, with the ability to compare and with a visual structure.
  • Operational reminders about upcoming events. Unified notification center.
  • Exchange of files and documents. Maintaining a database of companies.
  • Detailed discussion of tasks, projects, events and other elements.
  • History maintenance and journaling.
  • Record of employee movements and all necessary information about personnel.
  • Business correspondence and announcements.
  • Cross-cutting search and systematization of information.
  • Work on your own domain.
  • Ready-to-use mobile applications.
  • Visual presentation of information (Kanban board, Gantt chart, calendar schedule), and exporting data in convenient formats.

And all of these at reasonable cost!